Assessments that provide robust insights for career and study decisions.
Abintra offers two key assessments for adolescents and adults that give robust insights for career and study decisions.
The HIGHLANDS ABILITY BATTERY and the STRONG INTEREST INVENTORY, both based on strong, long-term research, assess natural abilities (Highlands) and interests (Strong).
Together these measurements combine to inform the Whole Person Model. This model looks at the combination of factors that make each of us unique individuals and how these forces influence our choices around studies and careers.

Molly Henry, a Highlands Certified Consultant and certified in the Strong Interest Inventory, has completed extensive training to interpret your results, guide you through your reports, and answer questions. Combined with her Positive Discipline Lead Trainer certification and experience with teaching adolescents, this makes Molly a wonderful choice to work with high school and college students, as well as adults who are considering career changes or want to refine their professional vision

The Highlands Ability Battery
The Highlands Ability Battery (HAB) is rooted in over a century of scientific research on human abilities and used exclusively by well-trained professionals. Unlike many other assessments and inventories, the HAB does not rely on self-reporting. Rather, through a series of work samples, it measures a person’s innate abilities based on performance using objective rather than subjective measures.
Highlands has developed the Whole Person Model for relating the results of the HAB to the other influences that have helped to shape and define you as a unique human being who faces life’s challenges in your own distinctive way. This enables you to take your “whole self” into account when making decisions right here, right now. It also provides you with a tool you can use to make decisions at any turning point throughout your life. Most importantly, taking a whole-person approach provides insights into why and how the decisions you make differ from those of others.

What Do I Get When I Take the HAB?

How Abilities are Measured on the HAB
Results based on performance-based measures are far more reliable than results based on self-perception or self-report. Natural abilities (or aptitudes) strongly influence which tasks and activities you find relatively easy and enjoyable as well as the type of work environment where you’re most likely to thrive.

You will receive customized HAB Reports

The Strong Interest Inventory
Based on the work of Dr. John Holland’s theory of career types, this is one of the most respected and widely used career planning instruments in the world. Backed by more than 80 years of research into how people of similar interests are employed, and what motivates individuals in the workplace. it delivers effective and powerful results that contribute to your student’s success.
The SII delivers an in-depth report that aligns interests with careers and areas of study.