The buildings on Abintra’s campus have been sited to preserve as much land as possible. Subsequent developments in West Nashville have made this area a haven for area wildlife. Living in concert with the environment is an intentional choice.
Abintra's campus sits nestled atop a hill surrounded by 11 wooded acres in West Nashville. Students use multiple gardens, and trails, and walk the labyrinth with care. Venture further into our woods and you'll find forts carefully crafted out of logs and sticks by Upper School students and hiking trails shaded by tall trees. Students are given daily opportunities to connect with the natural environment.
On campus, we reduce, reuse, and recycle. From Lower School through Upper School, students compost and recycle. It is a daily practice, part of self-care and self-sufficiency. It is not only a part of our curriculum, it is the way we live with integrity in the world.
Our stone labyrinth provides opportunities for students to practice mindfulness, connect with nature, and observe their surroundings in the heart of our lush woods.
Through our apiary students enjoy an up-close look at a working colony in our observation hive in conjunction with their studies of the lifecycle of a bee and the structure of the bee community. They then have hands-on opportunities to learn about the beekeeping experience in our main hive area. The process comes full circle in our Honey House where they extract honey to enjoy at home.
Upper School students practice form, precision, focus, and patience while on the archery range gaining knowledge about the sport and growing their skills.
From root vegetables to tomatoes and herbs, our garden allows opportunities for all ages to contribute to the growth of our community harvest.
No matter the season, students further their agricultural curriculum through the greenhouse. In this temperature-controlled environment, students can be found engaging in projects like tracking the growth of seedlings or observing a worm colony thriving off of compost.